Chakras are a very important aspect of our mind, body, and spirit. When thinking of the word chakra, a lot of people will think about some kind of alternative thinking, sparkling lights, different colors, or even random symbols. At times, things are just on the surface and there is no meaning behind what they see. Due to the increased commercialization of yoga and yogic practices, chakras have become a mainstream image of the practice. They are on pants, mats, covers, and more!
In reality, chakras are not things that can simply be explained away as yoga or pictures. The word chakra means wheel in Sanskrit. They are a spinning wheel of energy, much like meridian points in Chinese medicine and Marma points in Ayurveda, they are areas of the body and even extensions out of the body, that allow the proper flow of energy. They help to keep us balanced, clear minded, calm, at peace, healthy, and physically functional. When they are out of balance, things like mental issues, health issues, and body pains can occur. From a scientific perspective, they can be described as balls of energy within the body that transfer energy, just as any energy source. Due to their nature, they need to stay cleansed, or balanced, in order for people to maintain functionality overall. This can be done through several practices, but would be best to start with the root (lowest main chakra) and work up. There are seven main chakras that follow the spine, starting at the base and going all the way to the crown or slightly above top of the skull. They are the root, sacral, solar plexus, heart, throat, 3rd eye, and crown. There are also subcharkas that extend beyond the crown and root. These chakras will need to be cleared and focused to spin properly.
Root ~ Muladhara
Sacral~ Svadhishthana
Solar plexus ~ Manipura
Heart ~ Anahata
Throat ~ Vishuddha
Third eye ~ Ajna
Crown ~ Sahasrara
*the colors for the upper chakras can vary*
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